Website Visitors
Like most website operators, XNA collects some non-personally-identifying information of the sort that web browsers and servers typically make available, such as the browser type, language preference, referring site, and the date and time of each visitor request. XNA's purpose in collecting non-personally identifying information is to better understand how visitors use its website.

XNA uses Jetpack analytics that may also collect potentially personally-identifying information, such as Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. XNA cannot identify its visitors. XNA does not disclose such informations publicly.
Jetpack Privacy Policy
Our periodic newsletter is only sent to subscribers who have subscribed their email address on the website. We use MailChimp to send the newsletter. Data about subscribed users are collected (eg. if or when you opened the email), and XNA can only view the aggregate. XNA will not use the contact list for any purpose other than the periodic sending of news or notices that it deems relevant to its users. If you wish to unsubscribe, you can click on the link at the end of each email, or contact us. You can view MailChimp's Privacy Policy here:
MAILCHIMP Privacy Policy